all postcodes in MK8 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK8 9AB 1 52.036145 -0.798369
MK8 9AD 0 52.032081 -0.796583
MK8 9AE 0 52.032552 -0.796876
MK8 9AF 0 52.032811 -0.796767
MK8 9AG 0 52.032782 -0.794771
MK8 9AH 0 52.032215 -0.795602
MK8 9AJ 0 52.031863 -0.79548
MK8 9AL 0 52.03147 -0.794806
MK8 9AN 2 52.034416 -0.795412
MK8 9AP 0 52.031767 -0.794856
MK8 9AQ 0 52.032322 -0.796265
MK8 9AR 0 52.035667 -0.796399
MK8 9AS 0 52.035898 -0.794381
MK8 9AT 0 52.033898 -0.79579
MK8 9AU 0 52.034049 -0.795582
MK8 9AW 0 52.034783 -0.795271
MK8 9AX 0 52.033029 -0.795172
MK8 9AY 1 52.034049 -0.793804
MK8 9AZ 0 52.033505 -0.796909
MK8 9BA 0 52.034769 -0.794805